Sunday, January 15, 2006

The smell of fresh air!!

Training time!
Finally! Rain clouds had cleared! Clear skies has been holding for the past 2 days! It will be a good start to a great work out! It's kinda unexpected but Singapore Duathlon is 1 month earlier than expected. 1 month 2 weeks of training wouldn't be enought to peak! Nonetheless, one must start somewhere! I am really glad this time 2 of my good friends in aero are going to finish this race with me! wee!! Got company when running and company when cycling! It's real fun!

For some of you who don't know what's duathlon about, it's like a triathlon without the swimming part!
This year's even is shorter, a 10KM run - 36KM cycle - 5km run. It will be held at East Coast park, unlike last year marina! Which I thought the latter was so much better, big wide lanes, no kids running around to slow your training progress down.

Just hours ago, I had completed my 30KM cycling training, I was a little disappointed by the timings. I average out at 31.5km/h. just 6 months back, I was doing 35km/h. See how slack and fat I am now, it's time to regain the loss form! It's great using the heart rate meter again...
May be for those out there who might be interested in the race, heres the link!

Cycling at ECP,
Tip 1, headwind in the morning always comes from changi a/p, try to conserve energy by drafting a car or a front cyclist. Never push too hard against wind.
Tip 2, coming down towards city, it's time to put the pedal to the mettle, this stretch will be the power stretch to close the time gap.
Tip 3, Near bedok jetty, there is a gradual down slope that one can make use off!
Tip 4, Beware of roller bladers making U turns out of the nowhere! They are a bloody nuisance!

Below is my heart rate w/ respect to speed of bike.... DOn't laugh! It's slow!! Kinda good for a first training! =)

Anyway, just to let yall know, the upcoming cable ski park in east coast park is opening soon, it's doing some testing today! But it's really really expensive.
Prices are, Weekdays 30 bucks of an hr, Weekends 40 bucks an hr.
Batam cable ski park is 60 dollars for full day with lunch and ferry.

Recently I had been busy with a old hobby... DIY tube amps and speakers!
Hi-fidelity audio systems is my number one hobby!
I am no fan of transistors. No boasting, in fact, I find my 8 watt tube amp will beat a 100 watter solid state amp. Like in sports, audio is the same, power is nothing without control!
I love to go burlington sq, just beside simlim sq, to get my tubes. The auntie is very knowledgable and they sell tubes, capacitors, POTs, wires and speaker drivers reasonably!

Just yesterday, I planned to upgrade my dad's missions M782 for my own use! The Missions are great song birds, It has real hardwood construction, unlike compressed wood you find in most speakers and that makes it really HEAVY!!. I chose budget capacitors, Solens. I salvage some solens from my dad's spare Arcam speakers. Went down to burlington and got the rest of the components!

After an hr of reconstruction the cross overs in the speakers, it was time to reattched it to the speakers!
Every thing went fine!! Until I realised the midbass wasn't moOOVING!! Detached the mid bass, and used a 9 V to test. Yes, my mid bass is GONE! Spoiltt!!

Rushed down to burlington to see Dr. Auntie Audio! She told me it's a blown voice coil by transister amp! That's my dad's amp! It's a mean transister amp and it destroyed the speaker mid bass! Oh mY GOD! I hate transisters!! Repair cost is 90 dollars for 2 drivers and will be done next tuesday!! Tentatively, my speakers are without midbasses, if you wanna take a look how it looks like, please view the 2nd row 3rd picture!

<-- Solens France Caps!

<-- Arcam's the bigger one, missions looks so nice!!
<-- Spoilt Mid bass, sent for repair.
<-- Last pic is bio matric thumbprint system in LT1A projector room.

<-- Have a break with kitkat MELON FLAVOUR!
So nice =)

<-- Upgraded Cross overs!

Thanks for reading my bitchin!


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