Tuesday, July 05, 2005

this is a boring week!

We are 7th!

Yea, though it's not a good result to boast; compare to those do it all warriors that came in with approximately the same timing as us. urhHH, we are nothing.. Nonetheless, it was great effort that those who joined the fun and excitement of the well organised event. =]

There are a few goals set for me this month,
1) Get battlefield 2... the game!!
2) Get lots of swimming practice...
3) Start a slow progressive training towards NB real run without wearing out...

Nothing much on my mind these days, life is simple, monotonous... Unless you have lots of money to spend, you can do lots you want... I've been dreaming of owning a car, parents disagree from the high cost incurred... I guess the next best thing I can request for my Bday is a new road bike... hiak hiak! =D

Just as the weeks past so slowing, I can even count the mili-seconds ticking away... Anticipation of school should be the cause.... tick tock tick tockk.....

freeee mee!!!
signing off on a slow tuesday evening...


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