Nick and XP hyper belated birdday celebrations!!
After weeks of belating! It finally come to an end! We are doing a combo! celebrating both Nick and Xiu Ping's bday in one significant day! 30th Nov 2005... WTH they were thinking of adding mine in as well. since it's like just 20 days away~... boo!! these are what frenz i for~~ zzzz
We reached essential brew at approximately 7.20, adeline and michael seem like 2 nice cute little pooh bears waiting for us!!... even when we drove into the lane, from the corner of the turn, it really seem like a couple pooh beside the glass window.. how cute!
1st pic is what Elay,XP and me had, a rosti. 2nd pic is what mic had, some honey mustard chicken! 3rd was the so called mee goreng spaghetti that adeline ordered... Elay saw her secondary school fren working part time there, and she was real nice offering some sample ice cream and a discount... so sweet!! at least mic enjoyed it... he was saying that it has evaporated milk in the ice cream.. I beg to differ.. zzz lolX!
Nick got his pressie(Retro nike bag!), and guess what!! The person who bought the pressie didn't remove the price tag~~ dam careless man!! turn off!!~ boo!! minus marks for being a friend!! haha!
As we were walking down the main street, heavy down poor led us to settle at coffee bean where XP open her lovely pressie and this time, no price tag!! phew!! Yea, gucci gift set! I guess shes happy with it... and possess some shots with the gucci box! Please envy her =]
Finally ended the day with some nice waffles at gelares and live band at wala's...
What a special day for nick and ade!! (please see the 4th pic from the last for more info)

(Left) Quarrels!! Nick Bochup ade, and Ade gives a dam about it..
(Left Left) These girls think that taking a picture with a plate of rosti is cool.