Hallll iDAYS!
hello peeps!
Time for another bitch blog session. It has been awhile since a updated this section. My life...
Quite exciting... The days past so quick so many so vibrant...
Pictures are great illustrations and I shall use it. Timeline wise left to right, top to bottom.. The oldest pic will be on the topleft.. latest which is today. bottom right.
This has been the fourth year since I started road cycling. Pretty amazing, I have made nice friendships in the cycling community and on that day, we were going up to desaru for training. Some people ask my why do I have to look nice during a cycling session, I normally reply the professionalism and passion. In many countries, you see cyclist wear bright, proper gears like helmet and gloves. It's not practice this much here, but the trend is increasing.
Next 4 pictures are from my course launch 2006. Aerospace degree official launch on the 10th febuary 2006. The professors did a wonderful job by making it such a big success! Our Guest of Honour, Mr Chan Soon San, Ministry of State education and trade and industry came down to deliver his speech for the launch. Many of us skipped our lessons just to prepare for this event.
Just by looking at the turn out, it was worth the effort. Especially a chance to see rolls royce regional head and other aerospace-related delegates. Of course, not forgetting my wonderful company(charles, weiming,bernie, shenglee, leeza, sharry + many many more).
Mugging is no fun, but sushi mugging is an enjoyment! The day after we ended out physics 2 quiz. We went all our to gobble as much sushi our stomach can hold! You can feel jubilance flowing out of the picture right? Especially from our sweet leeza and sexy sheng lee!
The elmo belong to my good ol fren, wei kian... We we school mates since primary school. It's amazing how long our relationship can last! This time, he is in NUS doing a business course staying in Kent ridge. Kent ridge is just so condo like, it's a nice place to live in.. They have proximity cards and good security system. If I were to compare my NTU hall to his kent ridge, it's a squatter to HDB flat comparison. Tables there are so long, nice to throw textbook around and still have space for studying.
Next, a whiteboard! It's professor shaker's lab experiment on fuselage and all the necessary equations are on the board. It was a saturday, and supposed to be the end of the 1st term. All of us suppose to be enjoying the day, running around and having loads of fun.... but we were back in block N3, aero discovery lab to complete the labs we missed on the muslim and chinese new year. My group(weiling,yiguag, waiteng,yinyin) were so ready to finish our work and rush home! What a saturday!
Thir morning, I decided to spray my wheel caps to white! I am getting so sick of the flourescent red. I thought white should just blend in, being tame. I was quite wrong... White doesn't seem nice on the wheel. I think the wheel is so much nicer without a wheel cap. I am still digressing...
Somehow or another, I persuaded my dad to get me a DAB tuner for my hifi! My eyes were on denon TU1800. It was rated 5 stars by what hifi. I gave a ring to KEC, adelphi. The boss said, he sold 2 yesterday and he is sold out. I will have to wait till next tuesday. Rather disappointed I call up other authorised dealers. Because it was a sunday, many of the shops were closed. Until my final call, I got a shop in simlim that has the stock and is selling 11 dollars more.
I put on my bargaining outfit and went down, and buy it 10 dollars off his price! I am so good at bargaining I felt! After setting it up at home, I realise it wasn't able to receive any DAB channels.
I felt so depressed! Worse still, the digital output wasn't working.
I went back immediately, he did a test. It wasn't the fault of the machine, it was the problem with the model. It was suppose to be a system that is rated 5 stars by a reputable magazine!
The salesman suggested another brand. He was gonna carrot me for that! I knew it! I did my research of many DAB tuners and I know much of that brand too. I didn't choose that because I thought denon has made good tuner circuits. It turned out that reception of the other set is much better. The brand is Cambridge Audio, model azur640T. I knew my price and stood beside it. The salesman gave in! Yaye!!
Went back.. plug it in the system.. DAB scanning 24 channels! WEE!!
Digital audio is just so amazing... Cambridge audio is a good buy! good SQ and reasonable..
Okay, thanks for reading... 10.30pm sunday, signing off...

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