R&D in process!
It's time where our sound systems reach another new height of SQ(Sound quality)... I remember back in year one, we talked about boomyness, and loud music with lots of midrange in the music that produce vocals. Therefore, unknowingly, we think it's good music. Having played the Burmester CD (Audiophile test disc) that time and now, yield completely different results. The sounds we are getting now is mind blowing!! The music can reach a level so real, he though I was talking to him! Yes! Vic! It's all his fault. Went to Koba(a place selling electronic parts) and saw some high grade capacitors for a relatively cheap price and decided to give it a try. FYI, capacitors are charged storage devices that can be music cross-overs(a electronic component that determine which frequency range to drive individual speakers), differen capacitors produced different sound signatures and will give different amount of sound detailed when used.
The 2 types midbass electrolytic caps I got, Elna Silmics and Rubycon. The Silmics has been highly rated due to it's fine construction and muscality. You can do a search on google on silmics and they will thrash you loads of info about this fine capacitor..JPG)
Lousy electrolytic capacitors that was originally installed
Elna Silmics on board!
Next part, will be the myths on bypassing capacitors. It was said online and by many people. If a capacitor is bypassed by another of a smaller value, it's able to extend higher treble to recreate an instrument sound better. Intially, I bypass the Silmics with Cheap wima 0.01uFs from koba. and the tweeter capacitor, Solens, with wimas 0.001uF.
Cute transparent Wimas bypassing the Solens
Wimas 1nF capacitor! Cute rite!
The day after, Vic went to get Mundorf supreme capacitors, they are huge grenades and is suppose to replaces the black solens u see above. Best of all, they cost 40 dollars each! In a stereo sound system, thats 80 dollars for just capacitors. He has his doubts. I have mine, it's just amazing this famous and highly recommmended capacitor can really make a difference in ANY sound system. Here is how they look like.
Look the yellow capacitors on the left, the flat pack one is a size of a man's thumb. Can you imagine how big are these babies?
Now, compare it's shear size of it with the other of the components.
And of course! it sounded better than my crossover set I have. We tried playing cai qing, the cricket track. It sounded less rounded and full body on my set compared to his. With his, I can hear the low rough ruffles of her deep voice and shes like singing live infront of you. I am pretty impressed with it but do not have funds to purchase it yet.
:( Mundorf rocks!
However, the modification process doesn't stop here! Vic went to buy some vishays 0.01uF tolerance of 1% capacitor for both of us. I removed the wima bypass and filled in with this, and he bypassed his mundorf. Bother of our cross overs are burning in now. With hours of listening to it, we are quite happy with the results! It's a big difference the sound system now compared to 2 years ago! How NOOBS we are =P
ANyway! some interesting pictures to show "off". I made crepes, it's very nice and sweet! My mum made the batter, but i made it! It's much tastier than a pancake and goes with with tea! Very nice for an afternoon snack...
Also, I got pretty donuts from donut factory suntec, just 30 mins of queueing. Damn fast. Those people who has more timee and are sooo free, queue @ raffles please!
Also, went to fei fei won ton me, the new outlet and found bad english. Can you spot it? =P
What's recommanded?
Schools reopening. I like! Missing all those studying period! Call me sick but i hate doing nothing!
For now take care peeps! Enjoy the hols!