Dilution of police rigidity...
Police are here in the civil world to maintain and uphold justice in all manners. On the roads, we got our beloved traffic police that can be hail prince of the roads. The owns the place, they speed, they do illegal parkings just to catch us off our guard. Saying this, is our traffic police really that bad? I beg to differ. They are doing their job and always, the real TP catches real speedsters and hazard buggers. It is the cisco "TP" in their mini scooters hiding in one corner of the bushes ready to pounce on any minor and controversial mistake that we Singaporeans can be kept off guard. They are in abundance; no wonder cisco... Yet, they shed no mercy on ambiguous parking offence that comes to mind. I think even our own original TP will show compassion and impartial judgement to certain offences. Just as I heard, cisco hires quite abit of malaysians. You might not get what I mean. But for some, I think it's pretty clear cut.
Today, I got a parking ticket. Offence 22(H). Am I going to jail? Maybe... Not because of the offence. But because of my rebuttal against their misjudgement. I might just find myself infront of a magistrate and plead guilty to defaming offencings... Hell no! Singapore like any other country is a me sue you, you sue me country. Playing with words is all that civilization has to offer. No one dare to offend the great political party and suffer in silence. Which I will feel so unhappy about. Isn't this about a free world, or just a free world with political encapsulation.
Offence 22(H) states an offence parking within 3 metres of a fire hydrant. I see clear cut cases a car is parked where a passenger door just swings out to a fire hydrant. Or a boot just adjacent to the fire hydrant. In my situation, all these requirements are not satisfied and the distance from the hydrant to the boot is 5 metres. I will be quite impress if a cisco guard will take out his measuring tape and start rolling it to my car. Hell, was it just pure estimation of his that fails him a place in the polytechnic or high institution. It's unbelieveable that it seems, yet I mean it seems, they want to fault every single motorist on such controversy. It just feels like I am driving in the neighbour's country, no sense of security. Always have the feeling that your car will be ticketed or towed away by some weirdo. What is there to become of this security which I think might plague in future to come. Police compassion and sanity judgement has ended due to the pulsative lifestyle of the city. Yet still, we can put ourself back to perspective when we chill out after a long day's work. As for now, I will need Justice Bao to bring impartialiality to me. I will appeal as it was really 3 metres away from the hydrant, if so much they insist of my paying for the offence, I will be grately disappointed for our country. But still there are people who got hanged for the offences they didn't commit. It just boils down who is reading my appeal then. =0
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