It's months of inactiveness! I had nearly forgotten how to access this page!
If you had been checking the post, an apology to you ok?! Thanks for reading!
For me, exams are just over... Just aced a paper today~ Felt good! It's the only paper this sem I am confident of~
I will like to CURSE 2 tutors who set mathes 2 and physics 1 for the 2nd sem 2006! blOODY papers don't even test the average understanding for the course requirement... So what if you are trying to impress your head of department you can set BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO PAPERS!... you might not even be able to do it yourself i bet! YOU NEED HELP AND I KNOW A PLACE IN HOUGANG YOU WILL LOVE TO BE... *chill*
This sem exams are tough... and I don't see it will get easier the coming year... Most of us will probably change to coffee as permanent beverage. Night seems as long as day, skipping meals just to cover a few more chapters... Or worse, get our hands on nicotines! dirrrtty!
Handed my room keys to the hostel officer today... Cleared all my stuff in a room.. and it's amazing how "BIG" a toyota vios is... I am amaze of the capacity... It took me 3 hrs to fill the car! I cannot imagine all my stuff in a swift!! HAHAHA!
Anyway elections are coming... the party are making days feel better by giving money on a holiday.. like a double bonus... especially when eligible voters are university students... Exams over, holidays and money... what nice turn of events!~~
Right now.. I am slacking for the moment... will love a job soon~ So if you have an opening Ill be free until end july!! Bored and need company... call me too!!~ (eh.. not sleazy pls..., whats wrong with chillin out) I guess life is gonna be exciting in the coming weeks!! HOOOLIDAYZZ! =)
Great songs I had been listening to... Jason Mraz - clockwatching, Craig David- One Last Dance, Better than Ezra - Juicy~~ THese catchy tunes can spice up my day... and might spice up yours too! =)
Time to sleep! I leave ya with some pictures... thanks for reading... PPPAAAL!

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