Just had short walk back from my neighbourhood coffeeshop, open up my mailbox... Ruffling through the mails that will seldom be mine. Although I am still anticipating the birkenstock which I ordered a week ago, I know it will not arrive so soon.
A closer examination of the letters brought me an unexpected surprise! I found a postcard addressed to me!!! I felt this uneasiness with chinese characters stamped (航空 par avion). Apparently, have never received a postcard from China. At the instance, I flushed known possibilities of identifying who the sender is, who can only be one!
Cheryl! My entrepreneurship "buddy"!! Orite! SHOCK AH!! really! SHOCK! Miss the ol times! Hope you are having great times in China and come back with a chinky accent! aww! Thanks for the postcard if you are reading this! I believed you have visited all the places in the picture. They are magnificent!
Back track abit... Days ago, I went to a petrol kiosk at east coast and found something very interesting! There is actually a doggy bakery here! Dog in singapore are really fortunate! Especially if it's lucky enough to find itself a rich home.
I think ill get flamed for this. I feel due to the "slower pace of life in the east(ESP east coast)" compared to anyother region of singapore, people here are generally nicer and a little bit more friendly! Service in many places in the east is quite good I feel! People talk, communicate starting with a good morning, and end with a thank you even you have little interest in buying their products.
Top right pict! SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT FRANKEL AVE! You see policemen! Seems quite serious! =(
Bottom left! Some of you might know where this place is. It's some place in Singapore orite! Bukit Timah! Yes, Beautiful granite hill! Isn't she beautiful! Sad to say, there is only a couple of such tall granite hills around here!

This place is quite magical, especially when you are with somebody you like. I was extremely fortunate to be there with a "special" friend. Albeit the moment was short, the feeling is just surreal.
Through the small opening that leads you into the magical land, it just seems so fairytale like. People get dwarved by the awesome beauty of mother nature. =))
Here for some publicity, If by any chance you know young couples who is having their first child very soon. I am promoting motherhood magazine subscription. Please look out for me okay!!
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