Desaru leg disabling ride...
157.5 km... near ironman distance under 39 degrees of hot swelting sun!
my feet felt the charcoal. tell ya more abt it soon!
[addition 04-06-06]
sore legs... The stairs at home seems pretty hard to climb. I am recovering from a dead leg and a numb groin area. Spending 5 hours sitting on a leather wrapped wedge with legs pedalling in a circular motion was the cause! Words cannot describe the near death experience yesterday.
It's like... although all of your body parts except the legs were willing to work.
5.55a.m. on a saturday morning. I wake up to have a quick prata at a nearby 24 coffee house.
It was a pleasant day to do ANYTHING!
We set of 7.30a.m. on a bum boat, 10 of us from ENR with full enthusiasm on this imprompt trip to the peninsular.
Sea currents wasn't in our favour; the boat ride took us an hr plus.
Cycling up towards desaru was nothing else but scenic. A great breakaway of our sterilize concrete community. Zinc houses, palm plantations, children zooming up and down the roads in their modified motorbikes... And it's this period of time you feel close to an environment so slow that nothing else in life matters.
Going up north was pretty comfortable, ride wise. Some of us was cranking fast, pedaling so fast we never thought of consequences. Tail winds was something we had, we were travelling at a constant speed of about 38 km/h. It was pretty miraculous and we didn't really think why. Sub-consciously, we know it was the tailwinds that was helping us. But we didn't care.
We spammed the like there was no tomorrow, soon finding ourselves passing the 1st round about(desaru), and the 2nd round about, that leads us to Tanjung Balau.
While, many of us have decided to turn around at 75 kilometre mark, few of us did not.
Knowing that we were low on fluids, we moved on 10 km farther where there is a half way house in a small town named sedilli.
That is a place too far for us, and it was the stop that had caused the "disaster".
After taking a break of about 45 mins(tooLONG!!), we turned ourselves and head back to the jetty. And, in the direction we are heading, we were having super strong headwinds. It was quite impossible to hit 30km/h, besides it was noon, and the temperature was 39 deg C. Yes, deadly!
Then we knew it was impossible for us to reach the jetty by 4p.m.
It was pretty much the worse part of the journey. The ride was too slow for excitement, and the sun just makes it worse. Every 10 mins, I will have to reach out for my bottle for hydration. Losing water like squeezing a sponge!
Anyway, we hit Sg, Rengit town with a total distance of 157.5km before taking a taxi to the ferry terminal about 20km away; just in time for out 4pm bum boat ride! =)
Bum boat ride in the sunset... beautiful end to the day =0)

I had problems with my bike rack yesterday, and i stepped down the car 3 times just to adjust on my way to changi ferry terminal. I nearly killed a motorcyclist when I open the door in the middle of the road!
SORRY! Just today, after my complaining to dad, he got me a new rack! Wonder dad =) The rack called Saris bone 2, and it's very very sturdy! And the best is, it looks very cute and curvy! I love it!

Erratic speed, due to high tension wires in msia, i think~
Heart rate is normal though.
Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »
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