Sunday, December 10, 2006

feels like a white elephant, but it looks good!

Yesterday, I was suppose to test out those new wheels!~~ but due to the uncertainty of a heavy downpour, I shelled the idea~~! Went out searching at sim lim tower for a replacement sony LCD adapter... Quite surprising, they sold the exact same model!! but it didn't come cheap!~~
43 dollars and no bargaining!~ for a few pieces of electrical components...~

Intentions on fixing the spoilt adapter faded as I wasn't able to pry the damn cover open... sony and their proprietry stuff~~ roarr~~
This morning, I was greeted by the amazingly clear skies! The sun was like a diamond in the sky, bright with diffraction sprites... skies perfect blue shade which was mesmerising!~~ Rolling out my bike and did my checks and off I go~~... so excited as always, I sped from traffic light to traffic light getting out of breath everytime I do..

Hitting nicoll drive, alot of tri kids were training! and they are pretty serious about their work... while many others hit macdonalds this early morning, or shopping centres doing their so called "exercise", they are speeding down the 7.5 km stretch training for their next race... Very admirable trait~~

To any seasoned cyclist, it's obvious that if you travel the same way as the plane is taking off, you are cycling into headwind! Planes requires lots of lift during take off, and by flying into a headwind, they are able to get more lift for the same amount of thrust...

It's either the new wheels or my bad fitness, I wasn't able to push pass 32km/h in headwind conditions.. I felt almost like a snail seeing motorcars and lorries whizz pass...

Coming back wasn't so bad, tail wind pushes me forward at a constant 36km/h and it was a good mild adrenaline rush!!

These days, I see more and more bikes fitted with those deep dish wheels... Singaporeans are just getting wealthier and wealthier~~ Just passing ECP today, almost 30% of the bikes are fitted with the zipps 404s... it retails at a eye popping price, 2.45 grand... No wonder most the bike shops are smiling away these days... No complains about bad business and our cycling community grows!
Decided to clean the bike's headset today... and it was my first time doing so... All i did was just to unscrew all screws that can be seen on the handlebar and wala! got out 2 grimey bearings and bearing binder... they r so yucky and stuck full of black grime I barely wanted to touch them~~ and worse of all, the grime stinks!!! After some mama lemon cleaning, replaced it back with some castrol grease... Havent test ride yet since... Hope it's steers buttery smooth :)

Nowadays, cycling is filled with new technologies incorporated with aerospace materials and testing... Wind tunnels are used to test aerodynamic efficiency of wheels and bike frames... Manufacturer wants to make material lighter, where to find material light and strong enough to endure long hours of bashing by the cycling... aerospace materials are being used... tentatively, a/c aluminium, and carbon fibre reinforced deposits are used in many new bikes... I only I have the funds!~~ life will be soo intruiging! =)

What a beautYY!!

headset on the right...

very unfit!! tsktsk


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