life ticks by~
Tuesday's ENR training was mere biceps and deltoids training...
I was only able to hold 1-2 mugs of ale... unlike the uncles, could probably do at least 5!
Charity spirit was really observed! Upon payment, we got a goodie bag with a power bar and a powergel... YUM!
Of course, thats not dinner!
We were all given a neon band, for the food transitions...
It was a buffet spread with nicely mashed potatoes, tasteful chicken and chilli sausages, ribs and BBQ chicken... accompanied with fresh greens.
Only one serving and a mug makes us pretty much done. BURP!!!
Best part of the charity was the auction... Eye candy to see bikes like the carbon soloist and P3C with HED trispoke.
In layman, these bikes are raced by top athletes and cost > 10k...
I would love to get my hands on them!
Although having the opportunity and chance to bid by waving my flag number(29), I didn't. I probably have to work at a gay bar for months before I can pay the debt off!
The event was little much less of spectacular. Having a chance to see uncles and trigeeks in Shirts and pants is really an eye opener. Well, you normally see them in jerseys and tights, or one piece trisuit. omG! COOl STUUF!
I found this ambition chart I made during my sec 1 days...
1st choice - I wanna be a policeman
2nd choice - I wanna be a computer Engineer
3rd choice - I wanna be a pilot
Well it seems that 1st choice was valid then because I thought handling a revolver was cool!
Until you get into army, you carried rifles and pistols until you SIEN!!! ok~ 1st choice was condemned..
2nd choice I am probably there? Diploma in multimedia infocomm tech... well~~ I think ill probably can decided that as a career too?
No bull man~ but 3rd choice is what I really want.. After the disappointed in Youth flying club, I really wanna make up for it.
I salvage the picture out of the ambition chart.
Thursday, I am not really patient with slow computers... And I disliked when much of the time, my hard disk drive in my laptop is buzzing for data to be crunched. Every second of noise emited causes agitation.
After doing some research online, I set my sights on seagate's momentus.. 5400.3, cheap and good drive that comes with a 5 yrs warranty and 3 yrs 1-1 exchange!
Not only that! 5400.3 comes with the latest PMR (parallel recording feature)...
5400.2 doesn't! becareful if you buy!
What more can you ask for!!
It's now in my laptop running fast and fine! =)
I have some pictures of the internals of my acer lappy~
found it rather interesting it has alot of copper and alu sinks on the GPU and chipsets!
The shine given out by the metals has alot to say about acer's quality!
not bad =)
What a great site
That's a great story. Waiting for more. Fax a report from microsoft access
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