Hey handsomes and pretties, i have not been post anything for quite sometime!
I am officially out of job! Thats why i can do this a monday afternoon!
I said I was going to post something of the tahan trip, and lots more! Well, it's abit of a history now. Main highlight was that we the group of 14 was hit by lightning on high ground... 2000+ metres... The feeling was sensational and never felt before. Numbness tensed into every single nerves immobilising the limbs. Our dear Ismail got the greatest of god's "blessing"; his heartbeat stopped. He was lucky to have zhenghan, hailed at the"saviour". Zhenghan did his first actual CPR on ismail and thank god it worked!
The things you are reading here are real life accounts... I am sure some of you will find this a joke or amusing... But at that point of time, it wasn't.
Other interesting events was:
Heavy river currents(nearly swept me away)
Lots of leeches
wow experience sia... ill give it 5 out of 5 if you want to have an adventure of a lifetime... Everyday, you will have something "interesting" to look forward to!
Untouched beauty, this place is fascinating scenic. And you get to see something new everyday!!
Pace of life at our destination(after 7 days), Kuala tahan is slow (DAMN SLOW)... Meals takes ages to prepare, everything around just kicks down a gear and I love this stress busting feeling. We stayed overnight at this kampong hut made out of simple materials(zinc, wood, false walls) and a little bit of cement, it's a wonderful experience. Looking out the window gives you a great view of the river which once flow as rapids, upstream and highlands surrounds it's malaysia at it's best.
Don't be put off by my lightning experience, gunung tahan gives a great mountain climbing experience, i recommend yall to try it(may be the 4 days itenary)...
This line is for the appreciation of people who saved me life and their enjoyable crappiness through the 7 days of no hardship. Thank you! =) to 15 great people including 2 guides... *SALUTE*

There are some events I am really interested in completing very much.
Desaru half ironman is something very interesting! (ill probably die in the swim stage, HEHEHE) I ain't a fish, need to train hard! Mizuno wave run is happening this coming sunday... had 2 weeks to train. At the current physical condition, I am pretty happy with the tight schedule so far! All thanks to the motivational uncles and younger ones in TriFam. I look up to them for training discipline.
- Mizuno wave 06
- Malakoff Duathlon 06
- NB Real run 06
Thinking about registration
- AHM 06
- Standchart 06
- Desaru half iron man 06
- NUS tri 06
- Pulai tri 06
Met my army pals some days ago, buddy marcus actually remembered our honeymoon to europe! I am so glad he is starting studies soon! and that will give him student rebates in that continent. Planning a backpacking trip to the west after 2nd sem of year 2. Sad thing about the trip is, I will have to scrimp and save every dollars from now on. I want to have at least 10k SGD for the trip... hard earned! At least what is free now are travel guides. heh~ Came back from the library just hours ago with all these nice guides!... Will burnt and memorize every important detail and generate a trip itenary for about 1.5 months... yay~~!
ThANKKS for reaDING stay cool, school is reopening! can't wait to dwell into books and friends and fun again!
To all my dear frenz.... Enjoy life to the fullest, life is short! =))
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